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I am currently Assistant Professor at Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Physics in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). Before joining XJTLU, I was a Research Fellow, working on numerical modeling and simulations for moving contact line problems under the advisement of Prof. Weiqing Ren at Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore Singapore, 119076. I used to be a teaching postdoctoral fellow, working on the numerical methods for topology optimization, advised by Prof. Xiaoping Wang in the Department of Mathematics at HKUST. I received my Doctoral Degree of Philosophy in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Soochow University, advised by Prof. Jingrun Chen. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Hefei Normal University. I visited Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, Park under the supervision of Prof. Xiantao Li, during 2019-2020, working on the topics of molecular dynimics simulations.
My research interests lie in the area of mathematical modeling and simulation of materials.
- Numerical methods and analysis for micromagnetics simulations;
- Molecular and spin dynamics modeling;
- Modeling and simulation for free boundary and interface problems;
- Machine learning methods and applications to scientific computing;
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